Sunday, January 2, 2011

The New Year: 365 days of Awakening

The New Year: 365 Days of Awakening

My mother is a spiritual soul. She teaches Bible study at work, she often writes papers on different spiritual matters but despite her theological studies she is still very human and still has faults.

People always judge the errors of the spiritual harshly. They even judge the errors of their children in the same way. For whatever reason we (the spiritual or those related to them) should know better or have all the answers of life. My mom doesn't have all the answers and my sister and I certainly don't either nor do we pretend that we do. Maybe that disappointment is part of a bigger problem, however it is not our problem to solve.

For Christmas among all the things my mother bought for people she purchased for herself, my sister, her sister and for me a book; The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have by Mark Nepo (2000). She said to me that she didn't know if it would be well received or even read by the others but that she was sure I would read it. It may be one of those Dominican mother traps, but despite that, I know that God is not finished with me yet and that I can use all the help the world sets on my path.

I want more in my life for that reason I recently stopped praying for the things I do not have and started praying for the things that I do have: love, family, gainful employment and the wherewithal to know that I cannot do it all on my own. Thanks mom, I feel change already.

Day 1: January 1, 2011
Precious Human Birth

There are things that we as humans can do that the other species that share the Earth (you might as well call it planet dirt - quote from Transformers 2) with us cannot and vice versa. "Of all the things that exist, we breathe and wake and turn it into song." (Nepo, M. 2000)

As I look outside onto the streets of the south shore I peer at the trees that are so strong, who look seemingly naked in the cold but need nothing of us to thrive. As humans, we too are strong and sometimes we are found naked but even in the cold we survive. We may not be able to grow as tall as the trees, but like the tree we persevere even in the cold, in the storms and we make it to see another day, another season and another year.

(PS: during my meditation and blogging, I found the lettuce that I knew we bought but did not make it into the fridge - it was on top of the car! It tickled me pink. Hilarious!)


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