Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Because I am So In Love: To CAC & AMC

Because I am So In Love: To CAC & AMC

Not because it is Valentine's Day but just because, I want to exclaim that I am so in love with my life, my family and everything that comprises it. I have a great support system at home.

...And every night when we pray, we ask God to help mommy find a new job (although his reason is just so I can pick him up after school). Whatever the reason, my entire family is behind me cheering me on. I am so blessed.

For them I express my words of love. Words of the utmost devotion to them for all that I am, all that I do is in pursuit of more happiness, of more love (if that is even possible).

But I continue to strive for more love, more happiness, more of God's divine help and balance. We know that our love, happiness and riches are due to Him and His constant guard over us.

With all my love,


Under The Bus

Under The Bus

Everyone knows about the [external] customer. Not too long ago I learned about the internal customer and though I always knew that many parts of my job depends on other parts completed by others I never thought of myself and them as being customers as well. Ideally you want to treat all customers; internal and external, with the utmost respect because for whatever reason you depend on them.

At a small company things get a bit more complicated. It's all about working together. Because It's so small, there is no where to run, no one to run to and when there is trouble brewing - it is really bubbling over, spilling and making a huge mess all over the place. At the small company there must be solidarity. Together we stand, the regular worker bees against the rest of them. When the silent pact is broken, a big part of the working dynamic dies. Do I see you fooling around online? Yes, I do but who am I to judge and/or govern you? Should we be more productive? Of course but there is only so much you can do when there is nothing to do.

We come to the point: do not throw other employees under the bus when you are not the model of perfection by any means. Some of us have different vices, some farm on Farmville, some socialize on social networks, some do homework and some play computer solitaire. What is the difference?

While we all hold different positions we all still need each other. I need the front office and sometimes they need me too in the back. In the end we all need each other, for different reasons, but need is need.

Lets all try to get along. Lets try to work together and towards the same goal. We are in it together unless you are related to the family or marry into it - but who wants that?

"Stop, think about."

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Stupidity of Love: Real Life Love Stories

The Stupidity of Love: Real Life Love Stories

Disclaimer: I am a woman. I am loved. I love. I don't however, allow love to make decisions for me (anymore). Yes, I have made foolish choices in my life, but who hasn't? I learned from a book I read long ago (the Road Less Traveled, perhaps?) that loving a person is a choice, it is a decision that is made and that there is no such thing as falling "in love." I believed it then and I still do now. Being "in love" blinds you and practically leaves you to die in the street. Really loving someone is knowing that sometimes you will have to sacrifice even your love for the person for the best path. Of course I am idealistic, always have been and hopefully always will be.

What Love Does

Loves encourages smart people to make foolish decisions. Love disguises bad decisions with a bow and make them look pretty and nice instead of what they really are... Toxic decisions that literally haunt you for the rest of your life or for the better part of 7 years a reminder on your credit score; because Love certainly doesn't pay the bills but it can certainly put you in some major debt financially, emotionally, physically and all other [ally]s. Love doesn't think about your name, love doesn't think about your identity.

These are a few stories of people who have gone blind with love. When it was good, it really prospered, it was great. But when it went bad, it was a black hole that sucked you into a vortex of resentment and near hate for all those interested.

Love Story 1
Real love was something that is hard to experience for a scientific mind, I think. But when this scientific and very compartmenalized mind fell in love, she put her entire self into this love, the way it is supposed to be. Out of love, this very logical and scientific woman put up HER house as collateral to help her love start another business. Many other things transpired in between, including a ring, a promise, a partnership (both in business and in love), and a beautiful baby girl. But love has no management skills, and love can't run a business, love cant save a bad business and love ultimately defaulted on loans on the business. Love was absolutely corrupt and love went bankrupt (emotionally and financially). Love even threatened to sink her deeper into debt to force loss of a home with the daughter in it. Love needed to die right then and there Puerto Rican style (thanks Louie, the ultimate Puerto Rican, for teaching me that phrase, it just fits most every circumstance).

Love Story 2
Love met and chilled out. Love had a ton in common, and love got her pregnant. Love already had a family of his own. Love proclaimed that he loved her, he then proclaimed he wanted nothing to do with the child. Love eventually went back to his other babies' momma and love don't provide financially for the Love baby. Miss in-Love now has to eat a lot of dirt, deal with the hurtful comments made by the family to make sure she can work, provide for her child, have her child cared for, clothed and fed. Maybe Love should have put better ingredients into the pot, maybe the pot should have been covered properly. But whatever the reason the pot remained open, from it a lovely child came to be. But a pot filled with air does not feed a child. A pot filled with nothing does not clothe a child. Love did all this.
Love Story 3
Love saw her from across the room. Love was a damsel in distress. Love saved her and love fell madly, and love rushed in, and came [inside] but love did not last forever. Love did good for a great while, love married, bought a condo, a couple of cars, then a bigger house and another baby but love didn't make a home. Love fought. Love gave up. Love isn't supposed to do that. Love is shacked up with the next chick taking vacations to Puerto Rico thinking life is grand. Love is absolutely lucky he didn't end up with me. Love and his chick need to die Puerto Rican style probably while on vacation there (wow, you see how that fits?).

The Truth
Love is supposed to stick around regardless of the circumstances. Love is supposed to make better decisions. Love is supposed to love you no matter what; for the good and the bad. I know that real love actually does care about you, your credit score and all that you have done for it. Real love wants the best for you at all times even when things fall apart. Real love acknowledges that you are great but however great love alone could not hold it together because love may be a lot of things, but crazy glue it ain't.

Other Things Love is Not Supposed to do
  • Seek emotional support from another (especially of the opposite sex)
  • Cheat while one is pregnant
  • Not care
  • Leave
  • Abandon
  • Divide (this should be a #1, because evil posing as Love divides a family of relatives and friends and that is not what is supposed to do)
  • Make decisions concerning the relationship on their own
  • Not talk to the other
  • Pretend to love
  • Stay for pity (you want to, then BOUNCE)
  • Stay for the children (it will never work out that way and children are not reason enough to stay. You just end up with emotionally retarded kids)
  • Leave AND take all assets and money with you out of spite
  • Run credit to the ground
  • Take off-the-books jobs to not pay child support (really dispicable sh*t)
Don't know what I am missing, but I am pretty sure my few readers can give me more ideas.

Take care of yourself first, take care of your love second because no one can love you if you don't love you.

Much Love,