Wednesday, October 27, 2010



I was watching the movie Evan Almighty and in one scene Morgan Freeman was telling Lorelai Gilmore (she will always be a "Gilmore Girl" to me), that when you ask God for something, he never magically gives it to you but gives you another opportunity. Since then, I never ask God for patience because He doesn't go poof - here more patience. What He does is give you yet another opportunity to be patient. It could be anything: your toddler acting out about the same thing as the day before, your inept manager (I don't call them bosses, because there is only One - God), your in-laws, an ex-spouse, etc. But whatever prompted you to cry out to God for patience will only come back to repeat itself to grant you another opportunity to react differently. In other words bite you on the butt - hard.

It is one of those "mysterious" ways God teaches us, tests us and allows us mere mortals to exercise that pesky "free will" thing. Oh free will, how you upset and confuse me at times!

Generally, free will is great; the chance to flex your analytical muscles, the chance to show the world what you are really made of - but sometimes I require more guidance than that. What to do then?

It is hard at times to figure out what to do... How to react towards the situation, the world and those around you. But patience is that crazy little thing that you need every so often if at least to save your own job. But when enough is enough, when you are tired of being tired and you are ready for change and are trying to change your situation; how do we harvest this patience? Personally, I pray because I get really angrysometimes. I pray not for patience but for God or your personal savior be it God, G-d, Allah, Jesus [or satan] to save you from the little bits of wrath my brain cooks up. "Little bits of wrath." They say "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" but then the world did not know of the Dominican woman equally full of passion and rage - it ain't pretty folks.

The plots and plans I come up with are horrendous enough to calm me, soothe me and eventually make me laugh at what I think your reaction will most likely be. However, in business my thoughts are not to harm but of the truth. Oh how the truth can hurt your ill-managed organization. An old company barely out of its infancy is not good at all. I have patience. Probably enough to light an entire city but it doesn't mean a divine hand has not saved you from getting your feelings hurt - badly (and customers from going across the street).

Yes, I have an issue, but who doesn't? I know that I wouldn't be this emotional if I were the type of employee who relied on others to pick up the slack, if I were the person who got away with saying "I don't know" when I know that it is my job to know. No, I am not that woman but until I find the ideal place for me, like a crime fighter or a super hero, I will continue to fight against stupidity. I will exercise patience and not hurt your feelings because in the end, I don't want to create a hostile environment mostly for selfish reasons (a subject for later).

Relax, your corporate culture of stupidity will remain in tact - hopefully soon without me.


Sent from my iPhone

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