Tuesday, August 10, 2010



Ten years ago, I turned 21, I wasn’t in school, thought I would be a writer or some other type of tortured artist, and needed coverage. Things were happening, my mom’s wonderful union insurance no longer wanted me and I vowed get my own – coverage. It was all about the coverage especially if something happened: I was in an accident or worse had to live with your-round allergies (at 21, a perpetual snotty nose is the end of the world).

I found a job, but soon lost it, but then found another one within a week. Life was good at 21. I quickly found a job that promised coverage in 30 days. I had no clue what I was doing, but I knew that it wasn’t too difficult – “I am a bright young woman” I thought back then. I wasn’t wrong, I know some things, but I also knew that I knew nothing at all (Socrates). I was ready to work and learn; besides an office job was only temporary… Or so I thought.

As they say, “More money, more problems” and it wasn’t like I was making a ton of money, but I had a shoe habit and “mucho hangeo” (a lot of hanging out), then it was an apartment and more hangeo, then I met Chris and we moved in together and I couldn’t be unemployed in a new relationship. How would his family react? We had so many plans, so many dreams and then a dream came true with Aidan and I enrolled in college, we bought a home and in a blink of an eye, ten years had passed at the same job (as of 8/9/10).

I cannot say it was all bad, and in the years, I have made great, great friends; but I know that it is my time to go and I am terrified. I wish I could take aspects of my life here with me… some of the people, the jokes, the laughs, the bond, and the guidance.

I know it is time. I have to go and let go of this place. My HR professor always said, “Organizations do not make hiring mistakes, people do” and I find that to be so true today. The mistakes we have all made, the hiring decision made that pushed me over the edge. I have many reasons not to stay and hopefully my new search into gainful employment will be successful [soon], but 10 years and 1 day ago it all started with coverage.

Coverage, I thank you for being there for me through my hypochondria, my year-round allergies, my pregnancy, and all, but you are no longer enough to keep me in one place.



  1. I thought it was our friendship that kept you?! Lol

  2. You left and we are still friends... Our friendship sustained me & my sanity. I love you girl!
